All express orders will be shipped via FedEx Express Service. For economic shipping service, we primarily use USPS, Canada Post (Canada only), Royal Mail (the UK only), etc.
It depends on whether your order contains customization products or not, the shipping destination, and the products are all in stock. On average, it will take 3-5 business days to get your order to your house for the U.S.
The second you realize your shipping address is incorrect, please email us at immediately to correct the mistake and we will let you know the results. Unfortunately, we cannot change the shipment once the product is en route.
If you’re unsatisfied with products you purchased from Anley Flags, you can return your item(s) within 30 days of purchase. Items must be returned in their original packaging with resellable conditions. Contact us at to initiate a return.
A refund will be issued once we have confirmed the receipt of the return or agree on disposal. All refunds will be issued back to the original payment method. Refunds to credit or debit cards can take up to 10 business days depending on your credit/debit card issuer.